Terms & Conditions

  • 1. Definitions

  • “Click2View” is the subscription service which enables Users to access Standards and updates of Standards via the ILI Website as more particularly described on the Front Sheet. Online delivery excludes Hardcopy, Training, CD-ROM or other physical delivered assets.

  • “Customer” means the party who wishes to subscribe to Click2View and who is named on the Front Sheet.

  • “Fair Use Policy” means the Agreement not to use the ILI Database for unlawful, fraudulent, criminal or otherwise illegal activities.

  • “Front Sheet” means the commercial terms upon which Click2View and the ILI Database will be made available to the Customer and Users and which is attached to these terms and conditions.

  • “ILI” is ILI Ltd, trading as SAI Global Pty Limited, the supplier of the Click2View Subscription whose registered office is situated at Partis House, Davey Avenue, Knowlhill, MIlton Keynes, MK5 8HJ, UK.

  • “ILI Database” means the bibliographical database available via the ILI Website.

  • “ILI Website” means the ILI websites from time to time through which the Click2View and the ILI Database can be accessed.

  • “Live Date” means the date on which Click2View and the ILI Database is first made available to the Customer.

  • “Permitted Purpose” means the purposes described in these terms and conditions only.

  • “Publisher” means those third parties who publish the Standards made available to the Customer and Users via Click2View.

  • “Standards” means the Standards which will be made available to the Customer as stated on the Front Sheet.

  • “Subscription” means access to the ILI Database and the Standards as set out on the Front Sheet.

  • “Subscription Price” means the price payable by the Customer to ILI for the Subscription as set out on the Front Sheet.

  • “User” means each user of the Click2View service authorised by ILI to use it in accordance with these terms and conditions.

  • “Working Days” means all UK weekdays other than Saturdays, Sundays, Bank or statutory holidays.

  • 2. Payment

  • 2.1
  • The Customer shall pay the Subscription Price as set out on the Front Sheet in accordance with the payment terms also set out on the Front Sheet. If payment is not received by ILI in accordance with the payment terms, ILI shall have the right to withhold all further supplies to the Customer and to restrict access to the ILI Database and Click2View until payment is received in full.

  • 2.2
  • If any sum payable by the Customer to ILI is not paid in cleared funds by its due date, ILI shall be entitled to charge interest on the overdue amount at 3% above Barclays Bank Plc’s base rate from time to time. Interest will accrue on a daily basis from the due date up to the date of actual payment, after as well as before judgment.

  • 2.3
  • All sums referred to in this Agreement are exclusive of VAT or any similar sales or turnover tax (if applicable); such taxes shall be payable on the same payment terms as apply to the sums to which the taxes relate.

  • 2.4
  • If Click2View and/or the ILI Database is licensed by reference to any of the criteria referred to in clause 5.1, and the numbers stated in the Front Sheet are exceeded, the Customer shall become liable to pay increased licence fees on the basis of the increased numbers.

  • 2.5
  • ILI are not responsible for Publishers Recommended Retail prices for documents or collections of documents made available with a Subscription, and the Customer is aware that these prices can vary over the course of a Subscription and are subject to currency exchange rate variances.

  • 3. Ownership

  • 3.1
  • All Standards (and all intellectual property rights therein) supplied under Click2View shall at all times remain the title and property of the Publisher of the Standards and the Customer shall not acquire any rights, title or interest in the same. The Customer shall not give, bargain, sell, assign, transfer, lend, part with the possession of or otherwise deal with or dispose of the Standards or purport to do so.

  • 3.2
  • All rights, title and interest (including the intellectual property rights) in the ILI Database and ILI Website shall at all times be and remain the property of ILI and save as set out in this Agreement, the Customer shall not acquire any right, title or interest in the same. ILI reserves the right at any time to make changes to the ILI Database and ILI Website without notice to the Customer.

  • 3.3
  • The Standards made available via Click2View are not intended to be used as the sole basis for any business decision, and are provided by third parties, the accuracy and/or completeness of which it would not be possible and/or economically viable for ILI to guarantee. ILI therefore does not accept any liability, other than under clause 6.1, for:

  • 3.3.1Any inaccuracy, incompleteness or other error in the Standards; or

  • 3.3.2Any failure of Click2View to achieve any particular result for the Customer.

  • 4. Term and Cancellation

  • 4.1
  • This Agreement shall be for a minimum period of one-year commencing on the Live Date.

  • 4.2
  • Thereafter this Agreement shall continue for consecutive 12 month periods (each a “Subscription Year”) until terminated by either party in accordance with these terms and conditions.

  • 4.3
  • The Agreement may be terminated at the end of any Subscription Year by either party giving written notice to the other at least 30 days before the end of the Subscription Year subject at all times to the conditions of clause 16 hereof.

  • 4.4
  • ILI may terminate any part of the Click2View Service by written notice at any time if any agreement between any of the Publishers and ILI is terminated for any reason. In this event only, ILI shall make a refund to the Customer to the value of the unexpired part of that part of their Subscription to Click2View which has been terminated. Refunds will not be made for any other reason.

  • 5. Subscription Price

  • 5.1
  • The Subscription Price will depend upon the number of Standards covered by the Subscription, the total number of employees with access to the Customers’ network, the number of sites at which access to Click2View and/or the ILI Database is required and the number of concurrent Users requiring access to Click2View and/or the ILI Database. If the Customer wishes to change any of these parameters during the course of the Subscription Year and the Subscription Price is less than the price in force at the beginning of the Subscription Year, then the new Subscription Price will take effect only at the renewal of the next Subscription Year. No refund will be made.

  • 5.2
  • If any change during a Subscription Year results in the Subscription Price being greater than the Subscription Price in force at the beginning of the relevant Subscription Year, then the new Subscription Price shall become immediately payable for the full Subscription Year, and ILI will issue a supplementary invoice to cover any increase.

  • 5.3
  • ILI reserves the right to change the Subscription Price with effect from the start of any Subscription Year and will give written notice at least 30 days prior to the date of any such change.

  • 5.4
  • The renewal invoice will constitute the “written notice” for this purpose and the terms of Clause 22 as regards first class recorded delivery will not apply to this particular notice.

  • 6. Supply

  • 6.1
  • ILI shall use reasonable skill and care in the provision of Click2View and the ILI Database and will use all reasonable care in the collection and collation of the Standards comprised within Click2View. The service excludes publications such as hardcopies, CD-ROMs, hard disks, USBs or training courses that are required to be physically delivered.

  • 6.2
  • Click2View will be updated from time to time and any updated Standards on the Subscription will be made available to the Customer. The Customer, upon request, will receive an alert notification detailing any Standards on their Subscription which have been cancelled, superseded or have a new version within a watched list.

  • 6.3
  • New versions and superseding Standards on the Subscription will automatically be available to the Customer, provided that the Customer’s Subscription extends to such superseding Standards (especially in the case where a superseding Standard may be from a Publisher different from the Publisher of the superseded Standard).

  • 6.4
  • Cancelled and superseded Standards on the Subscription will not be available to the Customer unless the Customer confirms in writing that they are to be included and any extra fee is paid for their inclusion.

  • 6.5
  • ILI shall not be liable in respect of any failure to meet a specified delivery date for any reason. Delivery dates are estimates only and it is the responsibility of the Customer to notify ILI of non-receipt of the Subscription or any documents within the Subscription.

  • 6.6
  • ILI shall not be liable for the availability of, or the content within external websites, linked to by the Subscription, such as the publishers and third party service providers.

  • 6.7
  • ILI shall not be liable for the withdrawal of certain rights by third party publishers of documents, collections and/or formats to Standards within the Subscription service. ILI shall notify the Customer of the withdrawal of such rights, documents, collections and/or formats in a timely manner.

  • 6.8
  • ILI does not warrant that access to the ILI Database, the ILI Website or Click2View will be uninterrupted or error free.

  • 6.9
  • The Customer shall provide ILI with any information or assistance which the parties have agreed that the Customer shall provide in order for ILI to perform its obligations under these Terms and Conditions, and shall use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that any such information provided to ILI is complete, accurate and in the agreed format.

  • 7. Covenants of the Customer

  • 7.1
  • The Customer covenants:

  • 7.1.1
  • Not to copy (with the exception of the rights detailed in 9 below), transfer, transmit, sell, license, lease, give, download, modify, publish, assign or otherwise reproduce, disclose or make available to others or create derivative works from any Standards or any portion thereof, without the express prior written permission of the Publisher;

  • 7.1.2
  • Not to use Click2View or the ILI Database to combine with any other information with the object of offering it on line or in any manner to third parties;

  • 7.1.3
  • Not to access Click2View or the ILI Database from any terminal or location which has not been included in the number of network users or sites given to ILI by the Customer in order to determine the price of the Subscription and as set out on the Front Sheet.

  • 7.2
  • In relation to the Users, the Customer undertakes that:

  • 7.2.1
  • The maximum number of Users that it authorises to access and use Click2View and the ILI Database shall not exceed the number of Users it has purchased from time to time, as shall be stated on the Front Sheet;

  • 7.2.2
  • Each User shall keep a secure password for his use of Click2View and the ILI Database and each User shall keep his password confidential;

  • 7.2.3
  • Independent of the ILI Database, it shall maintain a written, up-to-date list of current Users and provide such list to ILI within 5 Working Days of ILI’s written request at any time or times;

  • 7.3
  • The Customer shall not:

  • 7.3.1
  • Except as may be allowed by any applicable law which is incapable of exclusion by agreement between the parties:

  • (a)
  • And except to the extent expressly permitted under this Agreement, attempt to copy, modify, duplicate, create derivative works from, frame, mirror, republish, download, display, transmit or distribute all or any portion of Click2View or the ILI Database (as applicable) in any form or media or by any means; or

  • (b)
  • Attempt to reverse compile, disassemble, reverse engineer or otherwise reduce to human-perceivable form all or any part of Click2View or the ILI Database; or

  • (c)
  • Access all or any part of Click2View or the ILI Database in order to build a competing product; or

  • (d)
  • License, sell, rent, lease, transfer, assign, distribute, display, disclose or otherwise commercially exploit, or otherwise make Click2View or the ILI Database available to any third party except the Users; or

  • (e)
  • Attempt to obtain, or assist third parties in obtaining, access to Click2View or the ILI Database other than as provided for under this clause 7.3.

  • 7.4
  • The Customer shall use all reasonable endeavours to prevent any unauthorised access to, or use of, Click2View and/or the ILI Database and, in the event of any such unauthorised access or use, promptly notify ILI.

  • 7.5
  • The rights provided under this Agreement are granted to the Customer only, and shall not be considered granted to any subsidiary or holding company of the Customer.

  • 8. Use of Standards

  • 8.1
  • The Customer may view and print a single copy of a Standard contained in the Subscription for internal reference purposes only within the site on which such copy is made, providing such copy is dated and destroyed after the reference usage, typically no more than 60 working days after use, subject to the exception described in clauses 8.2 and 8.3 below. Such copy may not be filed to form part of any hard copy reference collection.

  • 8.2
  • Where the Customer has a specification or tender requirement to reproduce a Standard or portions of a Standard as part of its documentation for external submission in response to a tender, the necessary pages of the Standard, including the whole Standard if required, may be reproduced and submitted provided a copyright notice is included. The Customer shall notify ILI of any such use.

  • 8.3
  • For internal and archival purposes only, a paper copy may be attached to the Customer’s documentation and shall be considered a permanent part of that documentation.

  • 8.4
  • Under no circumstances is the Customer permitted to reproduce all or part of any Standard for external use or for use in any other site or group of sites, except as set forth in 8.2 above.

  • 8.5
  • The Customer may not remove any proprietary markings or electronic watermarks, including any copyrights and trademarks.

  • 8.6
  • The Customer may copy a maximum of 25% of the content of a Standard within the Subscription and paste it to another document for internal use. The copied content in the new document must contain a copyright notice “Copyright [name of publisher] Date” where date is the date of copyrighted material. Such content is licensed for use only for the duration of the relevant Subscription.

  • 8.7
  • The above requirements are general requirements only and apply in addition to any specific Publisher terms and conditions which (where applicable) will be displayed to the User on each occasion where it attempts to access the relevant Standard.

  • 9. Licence to use the ILI Database

  • 9.1
  • ILI grants the Customer a non-exclusive, non-transferable licence to use the ILI Database and Click2View in accordance with these terms and conditions for the Permitted Purpose only.

  • 9.2
  • The licence granted under clause 9.1 will automatically expire on termination of this Agreement for any reason.

  • 9.3
  • The Customer agrees that it will:

  • 9.3.1
  • Use the ILI Database and Click2View service for the Permitted Purpose only and in accordance with these terms and conditions and the ILI Database Fair Use Policy;

  • 9.3.2
  • Not sell, transfer, sub-licence, distribute, commercially exploit or otherwise make available to, or use for the benefit of, any third party the ILI Database;

  • 9.3.3
  • Not (and will not allow any third party to) adapt, alter, modify, reverse engineer, de-compile or otherwise interfere with the ILI Database or Click2View service without the prior written consent of ILI or as otherwise permitted by law;

  • 9.3.4
  • In the case of a machine and/or site specific licence, only use the ILI Database and access Click2View and the ILI Database on the equipment and/or at the site (as the case may be) specified in the Front Sheet and where the licence is granted on a per User or concurrent Users basis, only permit the maximum number of Users set out on the Front Sheet to access the ILI Database and Click2View.

  • 10. Indemnity

  • 10.1
  • The Customer shall be liable for and shall indemnify ILI against all or any of the following:

  • 10.1.1
  • Any loss caused by the Customer’s failure to perform its obligations in relation to this Agreement;

  • 10.1.2
  • Any claims of third parties arising out of or relating to the use of Click2View or the ILI Database by the Customer or any Users in breach of these terms and conditions;

  • 10.1.3
  • All liabilities relating to any loss or damage of whatsoever nature suffered by whosoever as a result of the use of Click2View or the ILI Database by the Customer or any Users in breach of these terms and conditions.

  • 11. Warranties

  • 11.1
  • Save as set out in these terms and conditions, all warranties, conditions, representations or other implied terms relating to the suitability or the fitness of Click2View or the ILI Database for any particular purpose, to their accuracy or completeness, whether arising by reason of statute, common law or otherwise are hereby expressly excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.

  • 12. Liabilities

  • 12.1
  • Nothing in this Agreement shall exclude or limit ILI’s liability for personal injury and death arising out of ILI’s negligence and the Customer undertakes that it will not without ILI’s prior written consent settle or compromise any such claim by a third party or for fraud.

  • 12.2
  • ILI shall not be liable to the Customer for or in respect of any consequential loss to the Customer for or arising out of any breach of this Agreement or any negligence in connection with the supply of Click2View or the ILI Database hereunder. “Consequential loss” shall include (but not be limited to) loss of profit, revenue, use, goodwill or other loss, any payment made or due to any third party, economic loss, any failure on the part of Click2View or the ILI Database to perform any particular function, and any loss or damage caused by the delay of the supply of Click2View or the ILI Database under this Agreement.

  • 12.3
  • The liability of whatsoever nature of ILI to the Customer arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be conclusively waived by the Customer if written particulars of any claim made by the Customer giving rise to the liability setting out full details of the specific matters in respect of which such claim is made is not received by ILI within (6) months after the date of the Customer becoming aware of the possibility of such a claim, and in no event shall the liability of ILI to the Customer exceed in total the annual Subscription Price paid by the Customer under this Agreement.

  • 13. Confidentiality

  • 13.1
  • Each party shall and shall procure that its employees shall keep secret and confidential all business and trade secrets, know-how, specifications, processes, initiatives, methods of doing business, price lists and other confidential information and material disclosed by or obtained from the other (“Confidential Information”). Each party undertakes not to disclose the other’s Confidential Information to any third party other than its responsible employees to whom disclosure is in good faith necessary for the proper performance of their duties in connection with this Agreement.

  • 13.2
  • The obligations of confidentiality under clause 13.1 above shall not apply to any information or material which:

  • 13.2.1
  • Was known to the recipient before its receipt from the disclosing party; or

  • 13.2.2
  • Is lawfully in the public domain other than by reason of breach; or

  • 13.2.3
  • Must be disclosed by law.

  • 14. Force Majeure

  • 14.1
  • ILI shall not be responsible for any failure to perform or delay in performance in whole or in part or for any loss, damage, injury or delay wholly or partly caused whether directly or indirectly due to unforeseen circumstances or circumstances beyond its reasonable control or which it could not have taken reasonable steps as shall be appropriate in the circumstances to avoid including but not limited to natural disasters, war, riot, embargoes, acts of civil or military authority, fire, flood, accidents, strikes and shortages of transportation facilities, fuel, labour, systems failures or materials.

  • 15. Audit and Password Change

  • 15.1
  • The Customer shall permit ILI (on reasonable notice and during normal working hours) to audit the Customer’s compliance with its obligations under this Agreement in relation to the use of any ILI Database, Click2View and the Standards. In exercising this right, ILI shall:

  • 15.1.1
  • Observe the Customer’s procedures relating to the protection of Confidential Information of the Customer; and

  • 15.1.2
  • Take all reasonable steps to minimise disruption to the Customer’s business during such audit.

  • 15.2
  • If any of the audits referred to in clause 15.1 reveal that any password has been provided to any individual who is not a User, then without prejudice to ILI’s other rights, ILI shall be entitled to disable such access and shall not be obliged to enable any future access to any such individual.

  • 15.3
  • If any of the audits referred to in clause 15.1 reveal that the Customer has underpaid the Subscription Price payable to ILI, the Customer shall pay to ILI an amount equal to such underpayment as calculated in accordance with the prices set out on the Front Sheet (as amended from time to time) within [10] Working Days of the date of the relevant audit.

  • 15.4
  • ILI Reserves the right at any time in its sole discretion to force Users to change their passwords.

  • 16. Termination

  • 16.1
  • ILI shall have the right to terminate this Agreement or suspend any access to Click2View and/or the ILI Database summarily without compensation to the Customer in the event of any breach of any or all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement by the Customer.

  • 16.2
  • ILI shall have the right to terminate this Agreement if ILI deem the Customer to be in competition with ILI. Upon termination of this Agreement for any reason:

  • 16.2.1
  • The Customer shall immediately cease using Click2View and the ILI Database, delete any Standards in their possession and cease using any data supplied under their Subscription.

  • 16.2.2
  • The rights of ILI to be paid the Subscription Price in respect of the Subscription shall not be affected and the Customer shall pay to ILI the Subscription Price payable under this Agreement to the date of termination to the extent that it remains unpaid together with all costs, charges and expenses accrued and owing to ILI under this Agreement or incurred or sustained by ILI in enforcing any of the terms of this Agreement;

  • 16.2.3
  • The terms of this Agreement which protect the proprietary rights of ILI and the Publishers shall continue in force.

  • 17. Non Assignment

  • 17.1
  • This Agreement and the license contained herein shall not be assigned by the Customer.

  • 18. Entire Agreement

  • 18.1
  • The parties agree that this Agreement (which shall include the Front Sheet) supersedes all previous communications whether oral or written between the parties and constitutes the entire terms between the parties for the supply of Click2View and access to the ILI Database.

  • 18.2
  • These terms and conditions shall have precedence in all circumstances over any other terms and conditions of the purchaser unless expressly agreed in writing between the Customer and ILI. ILI will not be deemed to have accepted any terms and conditions of the Customer unless expressly agreed in writing by ILI to the Customer.

  • 19. Waiver

  • 19.1
  • No waiver by ILI of any breach of any of the terms of this Agreement by the Customer shall be considered a waiver of any preceding or subsequent breach of the same or any other provision. For a waiver to be valid it must be in writing and signed by an authorised representative of the party granting the waiver.

  • 20. Illegality and Unenforceability

  • 20.1
  • If any provision of this Agreement is held by any competent authority to be invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part the validity of the other provisions of this Agreement and the remainder of the provision in question shall not be affected thereby and shall be enforceable.

  • 21. Variation

  • 21.1
  • For any variation or amendment of this Agreement to be valid, it must be approved in writing and signed by authorised representatives of each party.

  • 22. Notices

  • 22.1
  • All notices (excepting those under clause 5) which either party hereto may or is required to give or to serve upon the other party shall be sent by first class recorded delivery pre-paid at the address specified in this Agreement and shall be deemed to have been delivered 2 Working Days after the date of sending.

  • 23. Law and Jurisdiction

  • 23.1
  • This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and the parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts in the event of any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement.

  • 24. Headings etc

  • 24.1
  • Words contained in this Agreement importing the plural meaning shall where the context so admit include the singular meaning and vice versa, and headings used in the “Terms and Conditions” section of this Agreement are for reference only and do not form part of this Agreement.

  • Amendment and updates to Terms & Conditions

  • 2. Payment

  • New Clause for Jan 2017
  • 2.5
  • ILI are not responsible for Publishers Recommended Retail prices for documents or collections of documents made available with a Subscription, and the Customer is aware that these prices can vary over the course of a Subscription and are subject to currency exchange rate variances.

  • Old Section
  • 6. Supply

  • 6.1
  • ILI shall use reasonable skill and care in the provision of Click2View and the ILI Database and will use all reasonable care in the collection and collation of the Standards comprised within Click2View. The service excludes publications such as hardcopies, CD-ROMs, hard disks, USBs or training courses that are required to be physically delivered.

  • 6.2
  • Click2View will be updated from time to time and any updated Standards on the Subscription will be made available to the Customer. The Customer, upon request, will receive an alert notification detailing any Standards on their Subscription which have been cancelled, superseded or have a new version within a watched list.

  • 6.3
  • New versions and superseding Standards on the Subscription will automatically be available to the Customer, provided that the Customer’s Subscription extends to such superseding Standards (especially in the case where a superseding Standard may be from a Publisher different from the Publisher of the superseded Standard).

  • 6.4
  • Cancelled and superseded Standards on the Subscription will not be available to the Customer unless the Customer confirms in writing that they are to be included and any extra fee is paid for their inclusion.

  • 6.5
  • ILI shall not be liable in respect of any failure to meet a specified delivery date for any reason. Delivery dates are estimates only and it is the responsibility of the Customer to notify ILI of non-receipt of the Subscription or any documents within the Subscription.

  • 6.6
  • ILI shall not be liable for the availability of, or the content within external websites, linked to by the Subscription, such as the publishers and third party service providers.

  • 6.7
  • ILI does not warrant that access to the ILI Database, the ILI Website or Click2View will be uninterrupted or error free.

  • 6.8
  • The Customer shall provide ILI with any information or assistance which the parties have agreed that the Customer shall provide in order for ILI to perform its obligations under these Terms and Conditions, and shall use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that any such information provided to ILI is complete, accurate and in the agreed format.

  • New Clauses for Jan 2017
  • 6. Supply

  • 6.1
  • ILI shall use reasonable skill and care in the provision of Click2View and the ILI Database and will use all reasonable care in the collection and collation of the Standards comprised within Click2View. The service excludes publications such as hardcopies, CD-ROMs, hard disks, USBs or training courses that are required to be physically delivered.

  • 6.2
  • Click2View will be updated from time to time and any updated Standards on the Subscription will be made available to the Customer. The Customer, upon request, will receive an alert notification detailing any Standards on their Subscription which have been cancelled, superseded or have a new version within a watched list.

  • 6.3
  • New versions and superseding Standards on the Subscription will automatically be available to the Customer, provided that the Customer’s Subscription extends to such superseding Standards (especially in the case where a superseding Standard may be from a Publisher different from the Publisher of the superseded Standard).

  • 6.4
  • Cancelled and superseded Standards on the Subscription will not be available to the Customer unless the Customer confirms in writing that they are to be included and any extra fee is paid for their inclusion.

  • 6.5
  • ILI shall not be liable in respect of any failure to meet a specified delivery date for any reason. Delivery dates are estimates only and it is the responsibility of the Customer to notify ILI of non-receipt of the Subscription or any documents within the Subscription.

  • 6.6
  • ILI shall not be liable for the availability of, or the content within external websites, linked to by the Subscription, such as the publishers and third party service providers.

  • 6.7
  • ILI shall not be liable for the withdrawal of certain rights by third party publishers of documents, collections and/or formats to Standards within the Subscription service. ILI shall notify the Customer of the withdrawal of such rights, documents, collections and/or formats in a timely manner.

  • 6.8
  • ILI does not warrant that access to the ILI Database, the ILI Website or Click2View will be uninterrupted or error free.

  • 6.9
  • The Customer shall provide ILI with any information or assistance which the parties have agreed that the Customer shall provide in order for ILI to perform its obligations under these Terms and Conditions, and shall use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that any such information provided to ILI is complete, accurate and in the agreed format.

  • Dated: 1-December-2017


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