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The i2i platform provides a function for administrators to create custom collections for the subscription and their users.

Custom collections allow Administrators to add documents to a folder for specific groups to access making document searches and access easier for their users.

There are a variety of Custom Collections that Administrators can create which also restrict or grant access to documents.
The 3 options are:

  • Collection – Manually add documents
  • Link Map – Provides collections for links to documents
  • Alias – for metadata links

There are multiple reasons why a custom collection can be set up, for example, a collection can be set up by the admin to allocate documents to be purchased at a later date, to compile documents relevant to a department, to refine access to certain staff, etc.

Create a collection

1. Click on the “Collection” option in the toolbar

2. Once loaded click on “New”

3. Select the required collection.

4. A popup window will appear to configure.

5 .Fill out the required configuration and click Save.

  1. The configuration options are:
    • Name: Name of the collection
    • Description: Description of the collection
    • Group: A specific “Group” can now be assigned to this Collection thereby limiting their access if required. If a group is not selected, then the collection will be private to the Administrator.
    • Parent: If this collection is to be a sub-collection, then select the required “Parent” collection. This collection can only contain documents that already exist in the parent collection.
    • Read/Write: This determines the read/write privileges for the collection.
    • Owner (G): If the collection is to be owned by a particular group, select the required group here. Users within this group will then be able to operate on this collection without restriction.
    • Notify (G): If notifications are to be emailed to a group rather than an individual, select the required group here. Users within this group will then receive email notifications on active watches available within this collection.

6. Once the collection is created you can add standards to the collection.


7. To add a standard to the collection, use the search function to locate the required standard.


8. Click on the standard to view the product page.

9. Click on “Add to collection”, select the desired collection, and click Save.



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